Bouquet Information
Candy Scrumptious Bouquets may contain some or all of the following:
Acidity regulator (sodium & trisodium citrate), almonds, aniseed oil, anti-caking agent (tricalcium phosphate), artificial colourings & flavourings (anthocyamin, curcumin), barley malt extract, beef gelatine, brazil nuts, butter oil, citric acid, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, condensed skimmed milk, cornflour, desiccated coconut, egg white powder, emulsifiers (soya lecithin, E471/E476/E442) flavourings, fruit & concentrates, full cream milk powder, gelatine, glazing agent, glucose syrup, gum arabic, hazelnut, humectant (glycerol, sorbitol syrup), invert sugar syrup, maltose syrup, milk protein, lactose, liquorice powder, milk fat,milk solid, molasses, palm oil, peanuts, raising agents (E500/E501/E34), salt, skimmed milk powder, sodium carbonate, stabilisers, sugar & sugar syrup, sunflower oil, tartaric acid, treacle, vanilla extract, vegetable fat, oil & concentrates, water, wheat flour, whey powder.
All bouquets vary slightly in height but our standard bouquets stand approximately 30cm tall and our large bouquets approximately 50cm tall. Our Boxed Bouquets are about 40-45cm in height.
Handle with Care
Although we endeavour to make our bouquets as safe as possible, sharp items may be used in the manufacture of our bouquets that could cause injury if not handled and disposed of carefully. Not suitable for children.